
A Story Of Facial Hair

by alexandre latour

I remember at 10 years old telling my primary school friends with greater conviction that “when I’m older I’ll grow a beard” than I would go to university.

My father proudly wore a mustache, most of my uncles also did, and by the time I reached adulthood, I too was sporting facial hair.

Fifth generation Indian but born and grew up in Mauritius, at a time when beards and mustaches were neither trendy nor appreciated on the face of a working man, I made every effort to navigate through life with all the facial hair possible on my face.

Today, it has been more than 15 years since I last saw my upper lip, very few people have had the misfortune of seeing me without a beard or a mustache, and I am happy with Mean Wax  to be able to help men stay committed to their facial hair like I did with mine for so many years.

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